Blog Nadine Lee Blog Nadine Lee

Why we always talk about strategy

Without a comprehensive strategy, you’re leaving things to chance. Content marketing can be incredibly effective but without a strategy underpinning its creation and delivery, it might not hit the right prospects at the right time. Establishing your audience’s challenges and objectives and positioning your content to align with them is one way to supercharge your activity.

This is the relationship between functional and strategic marketing, and this is why it will be so vital to your success.

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Blog Miles Noble Blog Miles Noble

How well is your operations, sales, marketing triangle working?

At The Property Marketing Strategists, as part of our mission to elevate the role of marketing in property, we believe that marketeers have a strategic position across the business. Fundamentally, that most crucially involves working alongside operations and sales - they are intrinsically linked and there's no start or end to how these functions work together.

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